Elana Freeland is a writer, ghostwriter, teacher and lecturer who researches and writes on Deep State issues like geoengineering, MK-ULTRA, ritual abuse, targeting and invasive electromagnetic weapons. She is best known for her geoengineering trilogy Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth (Feral House, June 2014), Under An Ionized Sky: From Chemtrails to Space Fence Lockdown (Feral House, February 2018), and Geoengineered Transhumanism: How the Environment Has Been Weaponized by Chemicals, Electromagnetism, & Nanotechnology for Synthetic Biology (October 2021). In a year, Inner Traditions publishing will come out with 2nd editions that are shorter, easier to read, and cheaper, one specifying geoengineering, the other synthetic biology, including an esoteric analysis of the recent introduction of the CV-19 master key. Chemtrails, HAARP is now also in Dutch and Serbian. To date, Chemtrails, HAARP and Under An Ionized Sky are the only books available to the public about how Tesla technology has been weaponized on a planetary scale. Geoengineered Transhumanism (also in Dutch) lays out how geoengineering has been the groundwork for synthetic biology. Elana came of age in the eye of the Sixties maelstrom. Her 4-book series Sub Rosa America: A Deep State History exposes the hidden history of America since President John F. Kennedy's televised assassination. Her second major during her undergraduate days was biology. Later, she earned a Master of Arts degree from St. John’s College in Santa Fe, New Mexico concentrating on historiography, and her thesis was awarded honors.
Her website is elanafreeland.com and she posts daily at her one Facebook site left, EMF Planetary Engineering, plus gab.com Groups (“Geoengineered Transhumanism with Elana Freeland”). See her also at Twitter, Odysee and Bitchute.
Dear Miss Elana, first of all allow me to thank you for your availability and kindness to give me this interview and the opportunity for Croatian people to learn more about geoengineering operations and hidden projects led by the deep state and military-industrial complex, especially in the last decades. We still do not know exactly who is behind all these horrific actions but this does not prevent us from learning, thinking and taking our own actions. It was accordingly, more than a pleasure to finally listen to you in Croatia in the recent interviews, especially after following your work for years.For those who would like to follow you directly, the link to your web page is: https://www.elanafreeland.com/ It is amazing how much information, documentation and very smart observations you collected in your books during your investigation of the chemtrails phenomena, HAARP but also nanotechnology applications hidden from the public control and knowledge. While before the COVID crisis not many people were open to these subjects, now the situation is fortunately, even slowly, dramatically changing, and the growing number of whether problems referred in public media as ‘men-caused climate changes’ are fostering the awakening.
1.Would you be so kind therefore, to first introduce yourself and your work briefly to our readers? How you came to dedicate so many years of your life to such a controversial topic of global whether control at the time you started, including ‘chemtrails’, ‘HAARP’ and ‘geoengineering’?
Elana Freeland:
I am primarily known as a writer, teacher, and lecturer. My father was a scientist for U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence / Office of Naval Research. My mother was a first generation American of a Romanian family. I lived with my Romanian grandparents in an Eastern European neighborhood in Detroit, Michigan, USA, until I was nine years old. It was only when I left the neighborhood that I truly began to experience America.I tell this story because it has much to do with why I have spent so much time and energy on telling the story of what happened to the country that my Romanian (Roma) grandmother loved, and why in the end she was so disappointed. She didn’t realize that at the end of World War Two, Operation Paperclip secretly cleared the records of Nazis and gave them top priority to U.S. military bases, universities, hospitals, and key organizations. Grandma was a simple woman and simply said, weeping, “Dracul [Dracula] has entered America.”In the 1990s, I began writing a series about how “Dracul” had taken over America. It was called Sub Rosa America: A Deep State History. I read dozens of books and took hundreds of pages of notes to write 1,300 pages about America since the end of World War Two. I wrote it in fiction so it would have more feeling and so I could tell the story of my Sixties generation.
2.What have you discovered at first about the public HAARP program that made you dig dipper into the topic? Did you already saw ‘chemtrails’ on the skies at the time? What has changed since then?
Elana Freeland:
In 1996, I read Angels Don’t Play This HAARP: Advances in Tesla Technology by Nick Begich, PhD, and Jeane Manning (1995); suddenly, a military helicopter hovered over my house for ten minutes. Two of the files for my Sub Rosa series were on “Chemtrails” and “HAARP.” While writing, I lived in England and Santa Fe, New Mexico where I met scientist Clifford Carnicom who was examining under his microscope and in petri dishes what was coming down from the sky after jets flew over. I finally learned enough of what turned out to be a highly classified military program to write Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth in 2014, which includes a chapter on Clifford’s deep insights into “Morgellons” fibers that many people were experiencing as the fibers attempted to exit their skin. Thanks to a CIA-programmed electromagnetic tower erector named Billy “HAARP Man” Hays, I was able to write Under An Ionized Sky: From Chemtrails to Space Fence Lockdown in 2018 about the “smart grid” going up everywhere around us (Lockheed Martin, the #1 weapons manufacturer in the world, calls it the Space Fence). Finally, I knew enough to connect geoengineering with the advent of synthetic biology (Morgellons, nanotechnology, etc.) and wrote the 650-page Geoengineered Transhumanism: How the Environment Has Been Weaponized by Chemicals, Electromagnetism & Nanotechnology for Synthetic Biology (2021).
New Mexico once had very deep blue skies, but throughout the 1990s the jets flying through the sky discharged long trails that caused a thin cirrus-like cloud cover across the entire sky. Up until then, only contrails (short vapor trails) came out of jets and dissipated in a few seconds. The long trails came out of the jet combustion chambers with chemical signatures (every chemical has its own particular signature). The U.S. Air Force Academy called these trails chemtrails because they were made by chemicals with signatures, not water vapor. Clifford and I had long talks and I grew more and more interested in his insistence that (1) the planetary atmosphere was being changed and (2) human blood was being changed, too.
3.Can you explain briefly to our readers what is an ‘ionized atmosphere’ and why are chemicals, accordingly, sprayed constantly through our skies?
Elana Freeland:
When something is ionized, it means it has electric charge. The ionosphere is the upper part of the Earth’s atmosphere filled with ions and free electrons that is 80km -1,000km above us. HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Project), the powerful ionospheric heater (“sky heater”) up in Gakona, Alaska, gained complete control over the ionosphere in 2013. HAARP is a phased array antenna farm with 180 antenna units that make up powerful beams that can force the ionosphere to spiral ions down along naturally occurring magnetic field lines to create electron cyclotron resonance “highways” that bind the upper and lower atmospheres to one another. Our atmosphere (the troposphere) is now a mini-ionosphere that can maintain power density under the artificially sustained cloud deck created by jet-delivered chemicals loaded with nanoparticles.
4.Would you share with us your opinion on possible reasons why so many people were not aware about this ‘spraying’ operations above our heads and how was it possible that these, so large operations, were so effectively kept out of the public knowledge? Did the governments and whether/climate experts and scientists know about all these operations? Why did they allow this to happen?
Elana Freeland:
This classified geoengineering program that people are slowly awakening to -- through geoengineered fires ignited from space by laser -- is now 25 years old. The reason it has been easy to keep people asleep regarding what has been set up right in front of them is primarily due to (1) corporate / state control over mainstream media and (2) public loss of confidence in one’s own perceptions. If elite institutions and foundations say that white is black, people eventually believe white is black; if the elite controllers say that extremes and “anomalies” in the weather / climate are due to “climate change” and carbons, people believe it. No matter how many times it is proven that “experts” lies and are wrong, the people continue to turn to them as the only purveyors of truth. Yes, “experts” and government officials are generally aware of the “national security” status of the “climate change” lie and the endless lies required to cover up the fact that control over the ionosphere, jet stream, and weather / climate means that geoengineering provides what the American military calls a force multiplier, which means a tremendous weapon, particularly as long as people continue to think of events like the 08/08/2023 Maui fires are “natural.”
5.What are other possible applications of these technologies apart of geoengineering applied on us and Earth to your knowledge?
Elana Freeland:
I can enlist the following:
Thanks to independent scientist Clifford Carnicom for the basic paradigm.
Weather Engineering
Chemical / Electromagnetic Engineering
Planetary / Geophysical Engineering
Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs)
Surveillance / Neural manipulation
Nanotechnology / Digital synbio / Transhumanism
Cloaking / obscuration / detection of exotic propulsion craft and plasma lifeforms
Chemical / electromagnetic creation of plasma cirrus cloud cover, a conductive C4 atmospheric matrix for building and steering extreme weather events, manipulating the ionosphere to charge, and millions of other wireless operations. Weather is the sine qua non of every Space Age operation in our atmosphere.
Electrical weather events, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, etc., all of which serve to keep the atmosphere charged. Plasma and antimatter experiments and “farming.” Creation and manipulation of Birkeland currents, Alfven “whistler” waves, rotating electrical fields, etc. Plasma rotation under EM field stress to convert transverse waves into longitudinal (scalar) waves and vice versa.
Utilize engineered droughts, fires, floods, hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, storms, polar vortices, solar cycles for environmental modification and disaster capitalism. Earth harvesting for REITs (real estate investment trusts). Solar experiments like the Sun simulator; as Tesla said, “Man could tap the breast of Mother Sun and release her energy toward Earth as needed, magnetic as well as light.”
The 1990s Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA) has changed warfare to the quest for full spectrum dominance of both the electromagnetic spectrum and the cultural civilian spectrum. Instabilities of systems are identified and weaknesses exploited by means of remote applications of electromagnetic signatures, pulses, and frequencies. Scalar interferometry of ionospheric heaters, lasers / masers, particle beams, HPMs, etc.
Artificial intelligence (AI), mind control / remote neural monitoring (RNM), EM frequency targeting of populations, 5G remote access to DNA, etc.
“Hive mind” aerosol / GMO / vaccination delivery of nanotechnology (sensors, microprocessors, electro-optics, Morgellons, etc.) to be inhaled and ingested. Remote genetic engineering (epigenetics, optogenetics). Pandemics delivered via 5G and disease frequency. Replace Nature with virtual reality and cyborgs.
6.In one of your interviews, you also mentioned the role of satellites in the above discussed ‘endeavor’. Would you be so kind to explain this to our readers in more details? Who is controlling the launching of such an enormous number of satellites at the moment and why are they doing this?
Elana Freeland:
(…) Back in 1990—Bernard Eastlund’s 1987 HAARP patent was already in the building phase in Gakona, Alaska—CRRES (Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite) was placed in an elliptical geosynchronous transfer orbit 22,236 miles up, carrying 24 canisters of chemicals to be released and ionized by the Sun’s UV light to create elongated plasma clouds along the magnetic field lines (Birkeland currents) connecting Earth and Sun. These NASA / USAF payload releases into “Earth space”— the magnetosphere and ionosphere space environment, a “dynamic ocean of invisible magnetic and electrical fields and particles” (CRRES press kit)—were augmented by massive chemical releases from ten sounding rockets launched from Arecibo, Puerto Rico and Kwajalein Atoll, home of the Space Fence in the Marshall Islands. (…) – From Geoengineered Transhumanism (2021).
Satellites serve multiple roles, particularly because they are a crucial part of the Space Fence infrastructure above, around, and on the planet, or as I described it at the beginning of Geoengineered Transhumanism (2021), the “unified digitized artificial intelligence (AI) exotic weapons system” as per the doctrine of full spectrum dominance that serves the secret space program now loaded with the quantum subatomic world of nanotechnology (synthetic smart dust, bacteria, “viruses,” nano-sensors, microprocessors, etc.), all of which we are inhaling and ingesting and being implanted with. As for the low-earth orbit (LEO) satellites and armed geostationary satellites – the story is always that all satellites are for “communications,” but in military language that means C5ISR (Command, Control, Communication, Computers, Combat, Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance) – they work in concert with the heat pyrolysis of jets to our ionized plasma atmosphere, nanobots are in sync with RF and microwave pulses calibrated and recalibrated for exact pulsing, all the way down to cell phones, ground-based towers, over-the-horizon (OTH) radar units, NexRads, wind farms, fracking liners, utilities, smart meters, 5G / 6G / IoT (Internet of Things) / IoB (Internet of bodies), radio telescopes, particle accelerators like CERN, and inevitably into our bodies and brains.
7.It is clear from all the above said, that the nanotechnology plays a central role in the applications and goals of whether control, atmosphere control and human control. But this technology may be fatal to human beings, especially if we know that the openly disclosed agenda of the deep state and globalists is transhumanism. How do they think to achieve this goal? What they plan to do with humans?
Elana Freeland:
The nanotechnology revolution seemed to burst on the scene fully grown in the 1990s. (One of the first nonscientist-friendly books about the nano revolution was Nano: The emerging science of nanotechnology: Remaking the world – molecule by molecule by Ed Regis (Little, Brown and Company, 1995)). Little did people realize that the nickname nano (1 nanometer = one-billionth of a meter) would usher in artificial, synthetic “inorganic life” foreshadowing meta, sentient world simulations (SWS), and the installation in our cells of self-assembling synthetic “molecular machines” composed of synthetic proteins created by synthetic amino acids– all in readiness for the Transhuman era now underway. Because nanotechnology (molecular manufacturing) needs metal stabilizers like zinc-atom cross-struts, we are breathing in more and more tiny metals that easily pass the blood brain barrier and spell autism for the young and Alzheimer’s for the aging.
Up until 2020, the few who were awake to what geoengineering was really about knew that carbon nanoparticles (CNTs) and nano-metals were in jet fuel and therefore in the “chemtrails,” but they were unaware that the aerosols the entire Earth population was being forced to breathe in were loaded with nanotechnology (tiny transceiver computers, routers, sensors, etc. The very first synthetic biotechnology (synbio) to enter human blood via aerosol was misnamed Morgellons. It primarily presented as skin lesions but was actually the initial invader of the blood now being supplanted by more sophisticated “gene therapies” loaded with nanotechnologies like graphene-based hydrogel (GBH) and quantum dots—all working in concert with chemical synergies capable of being triggered by 5G / 6G transmitters. After much observation and many chemical tests, scientist Clifford Carnicom renamed the Morgellons fiber loaded with synthetic organs the cross-domain bacteria (CDB) because it seemed to be bioengineered (“inorganic life”) to encompass all three domains of Nature (Archaea, Bacteria, Eukaryotes).
Thanks to present-day live blood analysis and dark field microscopy, we are learning that the CDB nanotechnology delivered since 1999 into the atmosphere and then into people’s lungs, blood, and brains is the direct precursor of the ribbon-like filaments now being found in CV-19 serums and post-inoculation blood as well as in the blood of those who haven’t been inoculated but have been proximate to the inoculated. Of course, both inoculated and uninoculated have been breathing from the atmosphere, eating GMO foods, and drinking from the water table.
8.We are witnessing currently an incredible and obviously fostered increase of worldwide events, especially in Croatia and Europe related to disasters, floods, fires, earthquakes, tornados in Europe, drowns etc. It seems that the Covid crisis was only a general ‘rehearsal’ for the events being placed upon the population now. Global players want us to accept the narrative of ‘climate changes caused by men’ and the disastrous effects of pushing such agenda may include famine, poverty, deaths…..can you please comment on this? It seems indeed, that powerful technologies for geoengineering are in full action! Is this only HAARP or are there some new technologies to your knowledge still waiting for public disclosure?
Elana Freeland:
Geoengineering is basically a classified military-industrial-intelligence operation that the “climate change” (global warming / carbon sequestering) cover story has successfully hidden for over two decades, thanks to corporate control over media outlets. “Climate change” has been the perfect ruse for globalists set on global government and globalists set on transforming Nature’s divine Human 1.0 into a Transhuman / machine Human Hybrid 2.0. Soon, the human beings who experienced life as Nature-driven will be completely replaced by generations who experience life as cyber-driven, and the story of humanity and its long intimate relationship with planet Earth entirely re-written by artificial intelligence (AI).
Your summation that “the Covid crisis was only a general ‘rehearsal’ for the events being placed upon the population now” is not quite accurate. The Covid crisis actually introduced turnkey hardware and software into billions of human bodies and brains so as to speed up the abandonment of the Nature-based Human 1.0 in favor of the Singularity 2.0 Transhuman (I recommend reading Ray Kurzweil’s The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology (Penguin Books, 2006). Kurzweil is Director of Engineering at Google and founder of the Singularity University.). The present devastation of Earth-as-real-estate being geoengineered by the still-reigning Deep State, is about everything eventually being synthetic and artificial to the point that all of the Earth and its presently still organic inhabitants become one interactive machine for AI systems to run and derive energy from.
9. What you have shared with us is really worrying. Is it possible that the AI systems you talk about are already driving the ‘globalists’ decisions and have control over them? Is there a possibility that some real entity or entities are behind this technology? Technologies per se look like dead things, but are they “dead”? Is something utilizing technology against life? The public is still far from awareness on “new” technology’s nature – for example, the nano-things now being wirelessly implemented in the Earth biosphere and in our bodies and brains. This is indeed, a shocking revelation. Is there any way out of this, knowing that people still debate on whether “gene based” vaccines are good or not, or whether they have nanotechnologies in them and what it all does to the human mind and consciousness!?
Elana Freeland:
I have been sharing what is “really worrying” for years, as have other activists (such as warning about wireless technology), but it is only in the past three years of the CV-19 assault by the WEF, UN, and WHO that people are at last moving toward waking up to what feels like bad news. Now that we know that most experts and leaders lie, we the people must begin to ask adult questions like. What is nanotechnology, really? What is geoengineering about, really? Do virus really exist, or are they “gain of function” sets of digital symptoms? What exactly does “inorganic life” mean in patents? How do “brain-computer interfaces” work?
We must face our fears in a technologically complex world and develop our consciousness as adults instead of as children of Nature. It is not just a matter of blaming aliens, demons, or artificial intelligence; it is a matter of growing up into self-responsibility and true human consciousness.
10.Your work shows deep love and appreciation of us as humans. Those of us who follow the dangerous and malicious acts of people who have more love for their careers and bank accounts than humanity desire to do whatever we can to save human beings from a future of cyborg Transhumanism. Certainly, life includes difficult and frightening moments, but if things have gone as far as you describe, what do you suggest readers do to stay strong as true humans?
Elana Freeland:
The key phrase is “to do whatever we can.” We must begin at our point of strength, not our overriding fear. The media are constantly promulgating fear, not knowledge, because tyrants need fear, not a population that can think.
- Begin by committing to learning more and more about our actual condition so you can rise above the emotion of fear, not just try to escape into more movies and drugs or wait for an honest leader who loves humanity to save us.
- Read Sun Tzu’s ‘The Art of War’ to learn how to fight powerful enemies.
- Examine your electromagnetic footprint and MINIMIZE IT. Stop worshipping at the altar of convenience and comfort. (No TV, no cell phone, no EV, no Internet of Things, etc.)
- Keep your immune system strong. Eat organic and health-building foods (not grown from synthetic seed such as GMO “foods” are) that have not been tampered with by Big Pharma and Big Medicine cartels. Learn to grow and prepare food if you don’t know how.
- Protect your consciousness so that you are constantly living a human life truly worth living. Develop and enhance your true INNER LIFE, and I don’t mean going to church or temple once a week. Develop YOUR mind (not the TV’s) for your highest nature. In this way, you will be able to grapple with the AI systems ARRIVING INVISIBLY IN THE AIR over 5G, 6G, 7G waves whose nature is to suck life energy from minds and souls.
Live a conscious life every day all day long. The childhood of humanity is officially over. A Transhuman race is now being developed by those who have abandoned their humanity. We must train ourselves to be DISCERNING ADULTS no longer unconsciously cradled in Nature, defining adulthood as making a living to keep a roof over our children’s heads. Set yourself the goal of living a strong, meaningful life free of the invisible tyranny of AI-run synthetic and artificial Transhumanity.
Thank you so much Elana for sharing your wise and knowledgeable insights with us! I wish you all the best in life here and after! Let the light stay with all of us.
Talked to mr. sc. Arna Šebalj
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